Well, we (Fruition, The Villains, The Bell Boys) made it back from Mendo/The Bay in one piece... more or less! Our dear friend and band member Jean Claudia Damn Van had some recurring "issues" that made for some very interesting, trying, and yet still comical times.
Exhibit A

At one point all 6 of us were out pushing the unresponsive wench uphill on a big Oakland street, only to make a U-Turn and coast 'er another two blocks the other direction. shenanigans... And let us not forget the blowout:

Exhibit B

But let's be honest here: no good road trip is complete without a laundry list of automotive adversity. Perhaps it's just a rite of passage; a hazing ritual from the tour gods or something. We also did really awesome stuff. Like play music!!!
Exhibit C

Exhibit D

Exhibit E

And venture to strange new places, as one can only hope to do:
Exhib- ok you get the point.

It won't be long until Jean has to depart yet again, for destinations even farther and more unknown. And I'm sure that each excursion will be more ridiculous than the last. Thank goodness we have such a lovely web of family and friends by our side- we're all in this together, and it's purdy good. -Love K

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